TotalEnergies Egypt Management fulfils its corporate and social responsibilities by ensuring a formal commitment to HSEQ (Health Safety Environment Quality) issues. Furthermore, TotalEnergies Egypt considers employees and customers' health a top priority in its social responsibilities as an integral part of the company's approach to sustainable development. In a world with growing health concerns, TotalEnergies Egypt fully assumes its responsibilities and acts accordingly to preserve and promote health in the workplace.

Road Safety :

- Defensive Driving:

"Defensive driving” is a training organized by TotalEnergies Egypt. It has been administered to TotalEnergies employees since 2007, and includes mastering of defensive driving techniques to minimize hazards on the road, such as braking techniques, safety distance, etc. The training is conducted by a certified instructor, and both local and international certificates are given to trainees who pass the practical test.

In parallel TotalEnergies Egypt radio campaigns during 2009 and 2010 focused on road safety through producing and airing 6 different road safety tips with total frequency of 100 prime time spots per year.

TotalEnergies Egypt is conscious of its social role and it takes its sustainable development programs very seriously, allocating appropriate resources to achieve them.

- Driving Simulator:

To enrich HV driver’s training program, TotalEnergies Egypt proudly introduced the driving simulator training to be part of the training program.

The driver simulator is a live like experience to the driver to test several driving experiences in different environment, it increases their safety awareness towards actions required in case of emergency.

The driving simulator training will be conducted to all HV drivers in addition to the mandatory PATROM training.

Currently, there are 2 main domains:

Health : AIDS/ Hepatitis

This is a project undertaken in partnership with CARE EGYPT organization to enhance the sustainability and effectiveness of the national AIDS initiative by increasing private sector participation.

An awareness raising session was conducted by CARE EGYPT for TotalEnergies Employees, two of whom voluntarily accepted to undergo special “Training of Trainers – TotalEnergies Egypt” sessions by CARE EGYPT to qualify them to carry out awareness training in other local communities such as companies and schools.

These awareness sessions on AIDS conducted by TotalEnergies Egypt instructors constitute Community Social Responsibility (CSR); it is worth noting that only 4 corporate entities – which include TotalEnergies Egypt – out of the 15 working with CARE EGYPT, have a CSR.

CARE EGYPT will advise the instructors of the communities to be targeted in 2011.Results (6 months after the launch of the project):

  • 4 awareness sessions for TotalEnergies Egypt employees.
  • 2 employees “instructors” trained  by CARE EGYPT,
  • Health policy developed by TotalEnergies Egypt.

Education and Culture: IFAO.

A donation was made to IFAO (Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale), a research institute dedicated to the study of archeology and history. The institute conducts archeological excavations and publishes a number of books and journals.

TotalEnergies Egypt allocates a yearly donation for this project as well.

Reaching out to a Community in Need

TotalEnergies is committed to making positive contributions to communities worldwide by deploying its resources, and its time, in areas where it can be of assistance. In keeping with this commitment, TotalEnergies E&P Egypte identified one of the most pressing social issues in the country: the ‘street children’ of Cairo. Together with TotalEnergies Egypt (Marketing & Services subsidiary), the affiliate has joined forces with three NGOs – FACE, Samusocial and the Torah Center – to reach out to help these underprivileged and abused children.

The phenomenon of street children in Egypt is particularly noticeable in Cairo, especially over the last ten years. Estimates of the number of children living in the streets vary from 12,000 to 93,000.

Recognizing the joint expertise of two local NGOs – FACE for Children in Need and Samusocial International Egypt – TotalEnergies E&P Egypte and TotalEnergies Egypt decided to bring them together for the first time to form a joint outreach team providing support services for the reintegration of street children and youth into society. The goal of the project is to contribute towards the alleviation of extreme poverty and the fulfillment of rights among marginalized children and youth in Egypt, and ultimately to decrease the number of children living on the streets.

The grant provided by TotalEnergies E&P Egypte and TotalEnergies Egypt will support various activities:

Outreach:  it is the first interaction with children and the first step towards reintegration; it is key to alerting children to the wider services offered at the centers, and to encourage them to leave street life. Outreach teams will provide medical, psychological, social and educational services.

Educational services: group chats are organized to help reduce the children’s vulnerability to physical, psychological and social risks in the street, as well as to reinforce their life skills and allow them to regain confidence in themselves by promoting learning and encouraging reintegration projects.

Case Management: FACE social workers will support children and families with reintegration into family or an alternative place of care, school or society by monitoring and giving emotional and practical support through counseling.

Medical: Samusocial will provide emergency medical care through 2 small mobile units or provide referrals to health facilities in more complex cases. The partnership with FACE will help provide accommodation during a transitional period and health care for the children.

Sharing experience:  FACE and Samusocial employees will share their professional experience through trainings and workshops.

This project will take place in Greater Cairo over a period of 12 months, with the following results expected:

3 outreach teams, with 3 to 5 staff members each, in the streets offering medical/psychosocial care, and awareness sessions on life skills;

300 children per month having access to outreach services;

100 children receiving at least one care session per month in the streets;

4 training courses and/or workshops organized to share professional knowledge and experience (case management, family reunion, first aid…).TotalEnergies E&P Egypte and TotalEnergies Egypt also contribute to the Torah Center (educational center located in the Torah area of the Maadi district). The center provides education services to Cairo’s most underprivileged families. One of the center’s most pressing needs is books for the kindergarten classes, which TotalEnergies E&P Egypte and TotalEnergies Egypt will support by typing and printing 1200 children’s books for the 2013/2014 school year (in Mathematics, as well as English and Arabic languages).